Friday, March 4, 2016

Pros and Cons of Pregnancy

 There are some cool things and some not so cool things that happen during pregnancy… these some of the pros and cons of my baby makingness.

1. The pro- I get more frequent breaks at work. I am encouraged to take breaks from sitting. It would be nice to go outside and enjoy the fresh air every single break. The con? Most of my breaks consist of going to pee. And this isn’t just at work. This is everywhere. I have always hated public restrooms but guess who has grown to appreciate them??

2. The pro – You are carrying a precious little baby so you get spoiled. From my mom buying me any and every food I think of, to my dad purchasing dog food, it is fun to get spoiled in these little instances. The con- everyone is an expert when it comes to pregnancy *rolls eyes* Advice has never been so annoying from what I should and shouldn’t eat, to how I should or shouldn’t workout, to why I should or shouldn’t tell my baby’s father this/that, to when I should or shouldn’t do this/that, to where I should or shouldn’t go during pregnancy, to blah, blah, blah. It could be the hormones or it could just be that research is my middle name and before I am going to do something I research and then decide. If a pregnant doesn’t ASK (like an actual question), if she simply states she is giving her dogs a bath, DO NOT tell her why or why not she should or should not be doing that. My family, the only people who I probably wouldn’t get annoyed with because of my respect for their womanhood/parenting, don’t offer me advice; they know I am very capable of taking care of myself and my son and I love that about them.

3. The pro – you now have the excuse to eat more and damn right this is probably my favorite thing… I love eating. When I’m chilling, I’m thinking of my upcoming meal. What time should I eat? Should I have this or that with my meal? And when I’m eating, I’m thinking of my next meal. The con – you should only have about an extra 300 calories during the second trimester. Which (as in every pregnancy website) is equivalent to a glass of skim milk and a few slices of turkey breast…. Borrrring.

4. The pro – you NEED to shop. This is a new life, and if this is your first baby, you probably don’t have anything for baby, so you NEED to shop. You need to shop for clothes, shoes, blankets, comforter sets, pampers, wipes, cribs, swings, strollers, car seats, breast pumps, diaper bags, baby accessories, and so much more. You also get to shop for yourself- a new bed, a pregnancy pillow, and of course clothes, underwear and shoes. What woman doesn’t love spending money?? The con – there are really no cons for baby shopping except prices and your budget. You cannot buy ALL the clothes you want for baby unfortunately. The con is shopping for your clothing. It is hard to find cute, decently priced maternity clothes. My advice – focus on getting good maternity pants. I found some used maternity pants and skirts on that were in great condition and they were all less than $15. Besides, you are only going to wear those badboys for a few months because you are going to get your figure back quick ;) oh and the whole “your feet will grow” hasn’t happened to me which sucks because I bought two pairs of shoes one size up to accommodate for my growing swollen feet that have not made their debut yet.

5. The pro - While growing your baby, your body changes so beautifully: gorgeous curves, bigger cup size ;), bright, glowing skin, luscious locks, and strong, long nails. I have loved and appreciated my body prepregnancy but now I love and adore it even more. I believe that is why I am having such an easy pregnancy. My whale like baby bump is gorgeous to me when I look at it in just my undies. I have had to go up a cup size which meant bra shopping which is my favorite. My skin is so pretty without any makeup and even better with ;). My hair has grown like weeds and it makes me happy because I was in an ugly awkward stage of growing out my pixie prepregnancy. And finally, my nails have been so perfect! Now the con - Your back hurts, your breasts hurt, you’re tired, you’re constipated and gassy, you’re hairy, you’re dry and you can’t control heartburn. My back has hurt since I found out I was pregnant thanks to my growing hips. I would wake up in the middle of the night due to my boobs being so tender I couldn’t sleep certain ways. I was so tired the first trimester and it has eased but not as much as I’d like. I hate my prenatal pills because they don’t let me use the restroom as easily as I used to lol and I am gassy!! The hair doesn’t just grow on your head, it grows EVERYWHERE!!!! Yes, you’re dry. So dry I got dandruff which I don’t think I’ve ever had before. And finally, heartburn occurs every single day regardless of how “good” you eat

There are some things I love about pregnancy and others I’d rather not have. Overall my pregnancy is awesome and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Well, maybe not the heartburn…

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