Friday, March 18, 2016

Dear Baby Aguino

An open letter to my unborn baby boy

I am writing you this letter as a constant and permanent reminder of your worth. Whenever you are feeling unworthy, unappreciated, upset, happy, successful, or bored, read this short letter.

You will always be enough- not just in my world, but in this big, challenging, confusing, yet beautiful world.  You were the most unexpected blessing brought forth to me yet you will always remain the best thing that happened to me. You will always be my favorite and biggest growth mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

At five weeks pregnant, I found out about your existence. I was scared out of my mind, but you somehow made me feel secure. At eight and a half weeks, I saw you for the first time and even though you looked like a little peanut, I hadn’t loved anyone or anything more. I was still scared, but had an instinct to protect you. At ten weeks, I told your grandma and grandpa about you, and as emotional as the situation was, their love for you helped me love them and you even more! I was the happiest woman on earth. At 20 weeks, I saw you again. I saw you sucking your thumb, I saw you practicing yoga, and I saw you were a boy. I was no longer scared, I was very much in awe with you. At 21 weeks, I began a new job and I could feel moving so much in my belly. I was so proud of having a baby boy, I told my new coworkers even if they were strangers to me. At 27 weeks, I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I will never love anyone more than I love you. I will never care for anyone more than I care for you. I will never adore anyone more than I adore you. 

As you grew from an embryo to a fetus, I grew from a selfish, thoughtless girl to a selfless, thoughtful woman. I saw my life in a completely different way and you gave me more purpose than I ever knew existed. Although I am supporting your life, you have given me happiness, you have given me purpose, and you have given me life. I will never give up on my dreams or aspirations as a means for you to follow in my footsteps. I will always want you to be better than me and I will make sure you have many opportunities in life. Whatever you want to be or whatever you become, I will support you. I will make sure you are happy, you love life, you love yourself, and you give life all you have to offer.

As you grew from the size of a poppy seed to now the size of an eggplant, I have grown from a cute body build into a beautiful body with a huge round belly. I loved my body before you but housing you in my body has made my gratitude increase with size. My body is keeping you alive so I couldn’t love it enough. I will make sure you are healthy now and forever. I want your healthy body, mind, and spirit to be an example for others. 

Life is a miracle. Sperm meets egg, cells start to divide, hearts start to beat, fingers start to form, eyes start to blink, taste buds get put to use, and finally baby enters the world. None of that is a mistake, it is all part of a higher power’s plan. You will always be my world. As long as one person loves you, you can do anything. Fortunately, you have many people who will always love you. And you my son, will always be enough. 

Your mama

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