Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Working with a Belly

Working can be stressful. What is even more stressful is figuring out a way to let your job know you are expecting. I have had 4 different jobs while being pregnant so this is my advice on spilling the beans, before your belly knocks it over. 

I told 3 of my jobs I was pregnant; I did not tell the 4th because I am no longer employed with them (although we both plan on that in the future and would have totally told them). So this is how I went about it:

I was very nervous to start my internship at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) not because I wasn't sure how well I would do, but because I was scared they wouldn't appreciate me telling them I was pregnant after them hiring me. I went into my supervisors office and told her of my pregnancy the second day on the job. I told her I was pregnant and would have to take off in June (after only 4 months on the job) and said, "but I am very serious about this internship and opportunity I have taken." She then went on to say that I could very much go to school, work, and be a great mom. She also said we would work hard to get me into their master's program at LANL. 
I then made an appointment with our work clinic to see what I could and could not do on the job(I got limited to lifting 10lbs and was instructed take breaks often). I had the sweetest nurse ever and she told me "First of all, we are so happy to have you at LANL especially during your pregnancy. This is a great place to work and we have to many ways to accommodate you and your soon to be child." HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!!!! Like seriously, I wanted to cry when she said that. At my old job, I was stressing the hell out about my pregnancy and I wasn't going to get nearly as many useful benefits as LANL.
It was awesome that I got that kind of reaction from both my supervisor and the nurse because it made me that much happier about my pregnancy. 

When I told my part-time boss, I was super nervous only because I know her on a personal level. I have known her since I was a little girl. Anyways, I told her I was pregnant and probably could only work up to a certain point being that I didn't want to overwork myself with my other job and school. I told her how happy both me and my parents were (they are friends with her and her husband and know each other very well). She was so happy and has even offered to host my baby shower! She is awesome! 
I had a horrible time with my tribe and my pregnancy, Either someone was spreading rumors of who my child's father was or trying to find a way to get rid of the preggo. It was hard for me to be happy at work because I could count on my left hand who was truly happy for me (besides my family who works for my tribe). BUT at LANL, I told my team that I was pregnant when I introduced myself in a team meeting. They all congratulated me and gave me warm, sincere smiles. It made me happy that they were happy with my happiness and excitement for this new chapter of my life. It was sad to think that strangers were more happy than my own people. *wipes tear being totally sarcastic* This one is important because you need to find a job that is happy for you no matter what is going on in your life. If you can't feel comfortable at work, or your work isn't too big on family, then you should find a better job. It'll benefit you and baby :-) 

I looked over LANL policies to get familiar with what I may need/want. I then went to talk to an HR rep. I am pleased to say that she made me so comfortable with the maternity process. She encouraged me to take the full 12 weeks for maternity and even got me on an insurance that would pay me during my maternity leave (I was freaking out about finances due to not having any leave given I am a new employee). It was so comforting to get all of that planned with her I am definitely going to send her chocolates when my due date gets closer. The HR director at my other job in the tribe did not like me and would make horrible pregnancy comments which made it very uncomfortable for me to seek HR assistance. Totally messed up but that's a whole other issue I no longer have to worry about. 

So start planning by looking at your work policies, be confident in what you have to offer, and be HAPPY. Happiness is so beautiful. Pregnancy isn't the end of a career, it is the beginning of a new life for you and baby. When I first found out about my pregnancy, I was scared of how this new baby would impact my career. Now, I am confident that my baby has given me much more purpose and drive to become the best Native American professional I can be. I am certain my baby has given me a love that will help me surpass the roughest of semesters and work days. It is clear that this baby of mine has done so much more to benefit me than he has done to burden me. My only worry was my career yet it has taken flight only after my baby's kicks of motivation ;) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OK, I screwed up in the previous one. I read this and I thought it was really inspirational. Lots of respect for the honesty and your openness with your employer. What gets me is the gossip and negativity from our own people. I hate that. You got a very good thing going. You are definitely an inspiration with your strength and intellect.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It is very unfortunate that gossip occurs everywhere, but I think building yourself up to face those ugly realities does a ton of good. thanks for your kind comment.
