Monday, February 1, 2016


We all know pregnant women have a due date but can a pregnant woman get another date? Say dinner, movies, hiking, etc? 

The short answer is yes and no. The long answer is it depends.

How many of you have heard of Tinder? It is a social media app that allows you to find people you'd like to meet based on shared interest and your location. Cool and scary right? Anyways, I used Tinder to run my experiment. I signed up for Tinder and swiped left and right randomly (swiping right means you "liked" someone and swiping right meant you were't interested). If and when I swiped right to someone who also swiped right to me, we were able to chat. I chatted with a few dudes and then I found one guy who was pretty cool to chat with and put the bait on the hook and well,,,
So yes, it is definitely possible to get a date while pregnant. 
There was also a guy on tinder who had on his bio, "If you have child(ren), swipe left" which a great way to steer you clear of the guys who aren't interested in dating mothers. I found this actually to my liking: honesty is best.
After awhile, Tinder made me feel like a piece of meat. Random guys writing to me while I'm easily annoyed, no thanks *deletes account and app* 

For this experience, I asked two of my guy friends to answer some questions. One is one of my good friends whom I've known for years and the other is a new friend of mine. I asked these questions:
          1. Would you date a pregnant woman? Why or why not?
          2. If you find interest in someone and then discover she is pregnant, would you lose interest? 
          3. What are your thoughts on pregnant women dating?
          4. What are your thoughts on pregnant women who desire to stay single, but still date?
          5. On a first date, if a woman isn't showing, would you rather she tell you she is pregnant?
          6. Do you think it is fair a woman dates until her child is born?
          7. Is dating a single mother different than a pregnant woman? Why or why not?
Ok to make it short, both of my friends said no they wouldn't knowingly date a pregnant woman. One said because he doesn't know where she stands with her baby daddy. Could she just be dating him to get the father jealous? And yes, they would lose interest. Their thoughts on pregnant women dating is that it is totally their choice. Why? Because it is their choice :). As for the first date, one said yes, one said no. No because it is only a first date, nothing serious. And they both think dating a single mom vs a pregnant woman is different because of the different places they are in their lives. 

I wanted to go on an actual date for the experiment but after a week of Tinder:
1. I deleted my account because I realized how much I was not wanting to date.
2. I realized in order to actually date, you have to have some damn time. I have zero time and once my baby gets here, everything is going to revolve around him. 
After talking to my two guy friends:
1. I saw how guys think a lot differently about dating than I do. I think of a date as a fun time while SOME guys think of it as a means to find the one to settle down with. 
2. I realized that some guys see that some women just love their independence and KNOW they don't need a man (sounds a lot like me). 

It is totally cool to date while pregnant if that is what you desire. You are totally capable of finding a date. Have fun and do what your heart desires, pregnant or not. :)

Special shout out to my two guy friends who answered my questions for me and my Tinder buddy who gave me permission to post our convo online and thought my experiment was cool. 

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love this :) You are very brace for doing this experiment haha
