Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pregnancy support

All you need in life is family…
I couldn’t imagine having a better family – from my immediate to my extended. I have the best family I could have asked for and my pregnancy is definitely one event that helped me see that.
This is my story of how my family taught me that pregnancy isn’t a misfortune, rather it is the biggest blessing.

It was October 10th when I bought 3 pregnancy tests (LOL) that all came out positive. I didn’t plan on telling my parents I was pregnant until Thanksgiving but ended up telling them on November 15th.  I had this heavy burden on my mind; I felt like I was lying to my parents by not telling them about how much my life was going to change. I was scared to death to tell my dad. I knew my mom would be 110% supportive, but for some odd reason I was scared of disappointing my dad. I thought that pregnancy was a huge disappointment… well pregnancy is the exact opposite.

It was a Sunday morning. I had made breakfast and we were all eating together, which rarely happens for breakfast because my mom sleeps late. I could barely eat because I felt like I needed to tell them that very second. I went to my room, got my ultrasound pics, went back into the kitchen and said, “I have to tell you guys something.” They looked at me awaiting my news. I told them I was pregnant and my mom said, “what??” she didn’t believe me hahaha. I started crying and said, “I am and I’m scared!!!” and put the ultrasound pics on the table. My dad grabbed the pics and started looking at them. My mom got up and hugged me as I sobbed like her big baby. 

I was very scared. I was scared of becoming a mom, I was scared of not being able to provide for my baby, I was scared of not being a good mom, I was scared of miscarriage, I was scared of every single possibility my mind could imagine. And then my mom said the most beautiful, sincere thing a mother could tell her daughter and soon-to-be grandson, “It is ok. Don’t be scared. You may not think you’re ready, but you are. God knows you can do this. This is a blessing, don’t cry.” My dad got up from his place at the table and hugged me too. They both held me until I stopped crying and then asked questions like when I was due, what it was (yes my dad thought I knew that early lol), and of course, about the baby’s dad. At the time, the baby’s dad didn’t want to be part of his life so when I told my parents, I expected a lecture from my dad. What I got was more support. They told me I was totally capable of doing this on my own and that I always had them and the rest of our families.

 It made me unbelievably happy because I saw how much confidence they had in me. Not only were they confident I could take on ANY challenge, they were happy. At the end of breakfast, they told me how happy they were and it has definitely gleamed throughout my entire pregnancy. I was so afraid to tell my dad yet he is my biggest supporter and his face lights up every single conversation we have about my son.

I then told my grandma. Her smile made me feel so much better. She was so happy. She was even happier when I found out my son was a boy. She was happy because she wanted my dad to have a grandson. I went on to tell other members of my family including my little Rhirhi. At first, she gave me the about-to-cry look. She probably figured I’d ignore her after my baby came along, but when I explained to her that family was meant to share the joys of raising a baby, she agreed to help babysit “only on Monday’s” lol and to be a mentor to my baby. She went on asking a million questions and even rubs coconut oil on my belly and plays dr with me to check on baby.

Going to my mom’s side of the family during the holidays, everyone was so excited to congratulate me and rub my belly. Everyone made me feel loved but that wasn’t the best part. The best part was that my family already loved the little guy we all have yet to meet. It doesn’t surprise me one bit. I know how loving my family is and I expected no less than what I received.

On my dad’s side, my grandma’s sisters all cutely hugged and kissed me and said congrats. My grandpa’s sisters both told me congrats and that they were happy. One of my aunts asked me if I had any morning sickness. I said no because at the time, I didn’t. In the time before I didn’t tell my parents, I would get nauseous after big meals but I didn’t throw up once. Anyways, I told my aunt no morning sickness had happened to me and she told me that she believes when you are happy, your body accepts the baby and you don’t get any sickness. 

I found it to be true in my case. When I finally fully accepted my son, I started having the most amazing pregnancy and time of my life. I have had such a beautiful pregnancy so far I am able to love my pregnancy. I have grown to love how large I am getting because I know my son is growing. I have loved every bit of exhaustion because I know my body is taking care of me and my son. I have learned to love all my limitations and challenges because it makes me feel selfless to my child. I have had a wonderful pregnancy because I knew behind me, I had my parents, my grandma, aunts, uncles, niece, cousins, and myself.

As for the women who don’t have that support system, I will be your support system. All you need is one person to believe in you. And I believe in you fully. Trust me, this is a hell of a ride, but the rewards behind it are gracious. Keep working for you and your baby, and things will fall into place.
Although I am not where I planned to be career wise, I am definitely happy. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will still accomplish all I set out to accomplish because my son will never be seen as a burden on my career. He is now going to be the beneficiary of all my hard work. He is going to see his hardworking mama giving him a life full of endless love and resources.

I have taken a vow to fully support him NO MATTER WHAT. I don’t care if he plans on becoming a professional football player, a brain surgeon, or a dog walker- I vow to support his dream. I don’t care if he decides to start his family at age 15 or 35- I vow to love his children and choices. I will support my baby no matter what because all I ever needed and fortunately received was the love and support of my family but most importantly my parents.

I am eternally grateful for the family I have and even more grateful that my son has these same amazing people that support and love him. Thanks to my family. I love each and every single one of you. *mwah* 

1 comment:

  1. Love your kind genuine words about your family. It reflects into you and the kind of individual you are. From the time we start walking everything is scary. The love and support of family gives you courage and strength to continue to learn and grow throughout your life. Your family has prepared you for the next stepping stone, mother hood. You are going to be an amazing mother. I am proud of you sweetie. Be happy, many blessings:)
    Love and prayers always,
